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Digital accessibility is:


Good Business 

Enabling businesses to grow market share and reduce operating costs by shifting customers to digital from higher cost service channels. 


The Right Thing 

Illustrating that your organisation values inclusive services that can be accessed by all.


The Law 

Accessibility is required by law in many countries including Australia, the US and the UK. Digital inclusion ensures equal opportunities and reduces discrimination.


A Human Right 

Access to digital services is essential for individuals to exercise their rights to information, education, communication, and participation in modern society.


Socially Responsible 

And easy to understand when you can see real customers facing barriers accessing your digital experiences. 

Why care?


People in Australia have a disability

That's 18% of the population



Australians are 65 or older

Many older people have faced some of the greatest challenges in accessing digital services


Australian's not speak english well or at all

Translated webpages can be of use when they are easy to locate and the translation is accurate and culturally appropriate.

3D cartoon young woman with magnify glass in front of laptop.png

~$13Trillion (USD)

Is the global addressible market for people with a disability

Untitled design (10)_edited.jpg


Is the legal hourly rate to pay people with a disability in Australia

All we can say is WTF?



Is the employment rate for people for people with a disability

Compared to 83% for those without a disability

Powerful Stories 
Real People Explain Accessibility

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